En cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en el Decreto 1074 de 2015 (Correspondiente a los decretos 1377 de 2013 y Decreto 886 de 2014), reglamentario de la ley 1581 de 2012, C. I. OZI International Ltda., como tratante de los datos personales obtenidos a través de sus áreas comercial, mercadeo, técnica, financiera, de crédito, contable, de compras, gestión humana y administrativa, así como la enviada o consultada por nosotros en bases de datos de entidades públicas, organizaciones, asociaciones, páginas web, solicita a sus clientes, proveedores y usuarios en general, a toda persona natural titular de datos personales que haya sido usuaria de nuestros servicios y/o haya adquirido los productos ofrecidos por nuestra sociedad, autorización para continuar con el tratamiento de sus datos personales, conforme a las políticas de privacidad que han sido establecidas bajo los parámetros de la ley 1581 de 2012 de protección de datos personales en Colombia.

La información y datos personales suministrados, podrán ser procesados, recolectados, almacenados, sados, circulados, suprimidos, compartidos, actualizados y/o trasmitidos, de acuerdo con los términos y condiciones de las políticas de privacidad establecidas por esta sociedad, según sean aplicables, principalmente para fines comerciales, administrativos, de contacto y en general, para hacer posible la prestación de nuestros servicios y la comercialización de nuestros productos.
De conformidad con lo previsto en la ley, si desea ejercer sus derechos de conocer, actualizar, rectificar o suprimir sus datos personales puede comunicarse al correo electrónico info@ozinternational.com, o si lo prefiere, comunicándose al teléfono 637 5227 Ext.110 – 111

A partir de la fecha de publicación de la presente comunicación, los titulares de los datos personales tendrán un término máximo de TREINTA (30) días hábiles para ejercer sus derechos. Si usted como titular de los datos no nos comunica su decisión dentro del término antes mencionado, habilita a C. I. OZI International Ltda. A continuar con el tratamiento de datos acorde con lo establecido en el Artículo 10 del Decreto 1377 de 2013.

How We Can Help

Need support now with applying to uni or student finance? See our guides on how to apply and fees and finance or our information for international students.

We understand this new challenge could affect your mental health, physical health and wellbeing, so you’ll find lots of support when you get here. See our guides on how to apply and fees and finance or our information for international students. Everyone needs a little help with their studies from time to time, whether you’re a fresher taking your first steps into uni life or a seasoned student who knows your way around university. Going to university is exciting, but it can be daunting too. And if you’ve spent time in care, you might find it more difficult to enter higher education.

We have an extensive library with specialized literature on any topic you might ever need. And beyond. The best part is that it’s both in the physical world and online. 

Everyone needs a little help with their studies from time to time, whether you’re a fresher taking your first steps into uni life or a seasoned student who knows your way around university. Going to university is exciting, but it can be daunting too. And if you’ve spent time in care, you might find it more difficult to enter higher education.

We understand this new challenge could affect your mental health, physical health and wellbeing, so you’ll find lots of support when you get here. See our guides on how to apply and fees and finance or our information for international students. Everyone needs a little help with their studies from time to time, whether you’re a fresher taking your first steps into uni life or a seasoned student who knows your way around university. Going to university is exciting, but it can be daunting too. And if you’ve spent time in care, you might find it more difficult to enter higher education.

We understand this new challenge could affect your mental health, physical health and wellbeing, so you’ll find lots of support when you get here. See our guides on how to apply and fees and finance or our information for international students. Everyone needs a little help with their studies from time to time, whether you’re a fresher taking your first steps into uni life or a seasoned student who knows your way around university. Going to university is exciting, but it can be daunting too. And if you’ve spent time in care, you might find it more difficult to enter higher education.

Our experienced finance advisors will walk you through the whole process of getting funding for your education, applying for scholarships, or finding a part-time job in the university administration, or even sort out your housing fees.

Don’t be shy. Reach out and we’ll answer any questions you might have.